As a Mister Global South Africa 2024 finalist, JP has learned valuable lessons about resilience, leadership, and the importance of giving back. He believes that everyone has a unique strength and contribution to make, and that by focusing on what matters most, we can achieve great things.
JP is also passionate about being a role model and inspiring others to pursue their passions. He believes that by being authentic and genuine, we can make a positive impact on those around us. His advice to young South Africans is to be themselves, stay committed, and never be afraid to take risks.
When asked about his plans for using his title if he wins the competition, JP emphasized the importance of leading by example and driving change. He plans to continue inspiring and supporting others through his charities and collaborations, and to use his title to ignite the flames of passion in others.
* Facebook: @JP Geldenhuys / @JP Geldenhuys Mister Global SA 2024 Finalist
* Instagram: @jps_1603
* TikTok: @1603jps